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The Directory, Number & URI Management (DNUM) project was born from a vague aspiration to create a publicly available ENUM platform to allow hobbyist telephony platforms to "federate" over the public internet.

The initial concept was a single "domain" with strict policies on things like encryption and verification, but after giving it more thought it became clear that instead, number blocks could be issued out to sub-groups, and they could have the autonomy to create their own policies.

For more information on the proposal, see the Technical Overview section.


  • This Wiki has been chucked together to gauge interest and start conversations. It's far from complete.
  • Things are rapidly evolving, plans might change.
  • At present this is just an experiment. It may never come to fruition, or die off like many other projects before it.


  • Why DNUM? - It was a temporary name but after chucking together the logo, and creating a backronym, we quite like it.
  • Why DNUM and not ENUM? - The RFC6116 explicitly states you can't use the term "ENUM" to describe a DDDS service for private numbering plans. Lame.
  • But I'm happy using my existing network? - It's hoped we can offer a method of peering into existing networks, but it should also be possible to configure your system to interconnect with multiple networks.
  • Can I claim the same number I use on the PSTN? - Probably not.

Contact Us

We're currently coordinating on the CuTEL Discord Server

Or you send us an email to info@